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SMOOTH Moves I: Going Abroad


  - Developing a higher sense of cultural and interpersonal awareness

  - Optimising new experiences

  - Dealing with expectations, channelling overwhelming emotions and preventing escalation of estrangement due to communication barriers and (reverse) culture shock


  - Maintaining contact and a sense of "home" 

  - Addressing unfulfilled needs


SMOOTH Moves II: Coming Home


- Dealing with grief, disappointment and dismissal by peers

- Retaining and maintaining skills     

- Restructuring and regaining the rhythm of every day life

- Recognising personal worth

- Dealing with overwhelming emotions and preventing escalation of estrangement due to communication barriers and culture shock


- Closure and reconciliation; maintaining contact and a sense of "home"

- Assimilation

- Addressing unfulfilled needs


NEW!!  SMOOTH Moves III - Making Berlin Home

This workshop introduces adult, non-German, prospective newcomers and newcomers and all who could benefit from additional support to German cultural, bureaucratic and day-to-day-living practices and provides useful resources and tools for making Berlin home.


© SMOOTH moves 2001-10. All rights reserved.